Data Base Project Proposal par1

The purpose of this assignment is to provide learners a basic understanding for identifying a database project proposal for collecting data and for designing and developing a small database that can be used to compile and report clinical data related to either quality measures or pharmaceutical products and utilization.

There are three parts to the database project proposal. The initial step involves identifying an idea for a database and describing its purpose. The second part allows you to design the database components. The third part requires you to present the database proposal to stakeholders. Feedback from the instructor at every stage will help you make improvements in the database project.

To complete Part 1 of the Database Project Proposal assignment, create a 500-750-word proposal outlining the following elements:

State the project problem and definition of terms.
Identify database users (personnel/credentials): Who are they? What are their competencies and background?
Discuss the types of data that users will collect for the proposed database and describe at least three reports that will be generated for analysis. Explain their use and who will use the reports?

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