Opening a New Restaurant Panopto Presentation

Paper details:
You and three fictional partners have decided to open a restaurant in your local community. The restaurant will be open from 7am until 3pm daily to serve breakfast and lunch. Each of you is investing $50,000 in the venture and, together, you have secured a bank loan for $300,000 to begin operations. You and your partners have little experience in managing a restaurant beyond serving meals or eating in restaurants, and you now face the task of deciding how you will manage the restaurant and what your respective roles will be.
For this assignment, you will create a Panopto presentation using the following guidelines:
 Decide what each partner’s managerial role in the restaurant will be. For example, who will be responsible for the necessary departments and specific activities? Describe your management hierarchy.
 Which building blocks of competitive advantage do you need to establish to help your restaurant succeed? What criteria will you use to evaluate how successfully you are managing the restaurant?
 Discuss the most important decisions that must be made about (a) planning, (b) organizing, (c) leading, and (d) controlling to allow you and your partners to use organizational resources effectively and build a competitive advantage.
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Principles of Management MGT2313
Module 4 Assignment: Opening a New Restaurant Panopto Presentation
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