Topic: Brumley Dissertation — Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Below are a list of required tasks for my dissertation document. In general the document is a mix of synthetic chemistry and biology. Chapters 1-2 are based on 3 peer reviewed American Chemical society publications. Chapter 3 Contains unpublished data.

In general I have 2-3 source word documents containing the material that needs to be compiled into the university template.

The tasks required will include:

1) Moving chemical structures and NMR data from a preexisting word document into the University template.

2) Numbering of Chemical structures based on the university conventions. These numbers appear under each compound — a chemist will understand this. I can handle the citing of compounds within the text — I just need them numbered appropriately. The university policy is that the 3rd compound in chapter 1 will appear as 1.3, the 8th compound in chapter 3 will be 3.8 etc.

3) General formatting of the document based on the university standard. This will include citations, data appendix etc.

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