Decision Trees


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Specific questions or items to address:

  1. In your own words, describe the Decision Tree algorithm. Explain how we use binary trees to make predictions on new data.
  2. Create the function DecTree that will implement decision tree. Your function should accept input of decimal string (list) of repeated entries. Apply binary decision tree to find repetitions of each decimal digit in the string.
  1. Let’s have n disks of graduated sizes: D1, D2, D3,… Dn
  2. In addition, let’s have a 3 pegs, on which those disk could be stacked on: 1, 2, 3
  3. If we know that all the disks are stacked on the peg 1, where the top disk is the smallest one while the bottom is the biggest, implement the functionalities that will do the following:
  4. Move all the disks from the peg 1 to the peg 3, given that only one disk can be moved at a time and that no disk may be placed on top of a smaller one.

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