Writing Question

Assignment 7:

Your spouse works at a middle school and reports rumors of a teacher, Zane Wilkins, molesting some students and taking illicit pictures of them. Zane allegedly viewed these pictures in his office. Your spouse wants you to take a disk image of Zane’s computer and find out whether the rumors are true. Write a report outlining how you would tell your spouse and

Assignment 7:

Your spouse works at a middle school and reports rumors of a teacher, Zane Wilkins, molesting some students and taking illicit pictures of them. Zane allegedly viewed these pictures in his office. Your spouse wants you to take a disk image of Zane’s computer and find out whether the rumors are true. Write a report outlining how you would tell your spouse and school administrators to proceed. Also, explain why walking into Zane’s office to acquire a disk image wouldn’t preserve the integrity of the evidence.

After answering the questions, rename/save the file with LastnameFirstname_Assignment7 (eg., JohnSmith_Assignment7) and submit it right back here under Assignment 7 for grading.

Assignments are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of Week 7

school administrators to proceed. Also, explain why walking into Zane’s office to acquire a disk image wouldn’t preserve the integrity of the evidence.

After answering the questions, rename/save the file with LastnameFirstname_Assignment7 (eg., JohnSmith_Assignment7) and submit it right back here under Assignment 7 for grading.

Assignments are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of Week 7

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