Occupational Stressors


For this Assignment, select an interview from the media carousel in this week’s Learning Resources and consider best practices for promoting professional wellness for that work setting. (agency, police or fire station, school, etc.) Think of how each practice might be applied and the potential benefits for trauma-response helping professionals to promote self-care and wellness. Select one or more work-setting specific articles from this week’s Learning Resources to inform your answer.
The assignment: (2–3 pages)
Use the Media Carousel “Trauma-Response Helping Professionals” to select an interview. Briefly describe the work setting in the interview you selected.
Identify at least 3 stressors related to this work environment.
Explain three best practices for the work setting you chose to promote personal and professional wellness.

Justify your response by providing evidence-based research from current literature for the inclusion of this sort of environmental practice. Be specific.


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