Unit 4: Identification and Listing of References

Using the “North Valley Real Estate” Excel Dataset located in the “Files” Section of the course (Left-hand Side Menu Bar). The Final Research Project for the course, and all supporting assignments, will be executed using the NVRE dataset.

Submit a Reference Page (by adding it to the assignments you covered in Unit 2 and 3) of the sources/references you have found (at least 10), to date, for your project paper. While you may find more sources after this, for this assignment it is intended to make sure that you are making progress toward the completion of your project in a timely manner. This includes having at least 10 entries for this assignment.

As noted, you should be finding acceptable sources, i.e., peer-reviewed journals and similar material, as well as publicly available data sets. If you are having trouble finding them, please contact me, as soon as possible, for help.
Your Reference Page should be in APA format (7th edition). Please contact your instructor if you need help with APA style sources.

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