Abnormal Psychology

Chapter 12 Assignment

  1. Define the following: Tolerance, withdrawal, and addiction.
  2. According to the DSM 5 for substance-related disorders what are the 10 separate classes?
  3. The DSM 5 states that in order to consider a appropriate diagnosis for a substance abuse disorder, any two of the following conditions (11 total) must be met (the DSM 5 provides a list) but for how long does the individual have to display these characteristics?
  4. What are the four common signs of addiction?
  5. Name a few of the biological, psychological, and environmental risk factors for addiction.
  6. What part of the body deactivates a drug?
  7. Summarize how addiction works in the brain (see slide 44).
  8. What are some risk factors for alcoholism? What is Wernicke-Korsakoffs syndrome and some of the symptoms?
  9. What are the long term effects of marijuana use? hallucinogen use? Opiate use? sedatives/hypnotics/anxiolytic use? and stimulant use?
  10. Briefly discuss a comprehensive program to treat substance abuse.

here is chapter 12 link


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