Humanities Question


  1. Take a virtual tour of the British Museum. After viewing a few of the exhibits, select two pieces: one that fits the four perceptual criteria of art (see page 20) and one that you feel does not. Do you find that the criteria set forth by Jacobus and Martin are sufficient to discern art? Are their criteria inclusive enough? Too broad? Just right? Explain your classifications for each piece and comment on the value of Jacobus and Martin’s four points. Be sure to provide a list of citations at the end of your work for the art you select and for any sources you use (References or Bibliography). Use this guide to cite the art according to APA conventions or this one if you want to cite in Turabian. Remember that in Foundational Core classes you always cite in the format of your major.
  2. Next visit the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea. Choose one piece of art on which to practice your descriptive criticism. Review some of the descriptive criticism included in chapters 1-3 of your text. Spend some time perceiving your art and describing it, noting ten to twenty details of its presentation. Your goal this week is simply to describe the art, not to interpret or evaluate it. Be sure to provide a list of citations at the end of your work for the art you select and for any sources you use (References or Bibliography). Use this guide to cite the art according to APA conventions or this one if you want to cite in Turabian.
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