Communications Question


Purpose: This assignment is designed for you to explain early evidence of journalism and other forms of manuscript production. Specifically, you will find and read a scholarly publication, such as a journal article, for this assignment. The slide deck presentation offered a general overview on the topic; however, to discuss richly on the subject of manuscript production, you will need to explore the topic on your own.

Task: Follow the below instructions. You do not have to use Google Scholar. You may use the online library databases offered by University Libraries.

1. Go to

2. Start with a search phrase, such as “early manuscript production.” You should see several results appear. You also can modify your results to add a geographic location, such as “early manuscript production in Europe.”

3. Choose a journal article to read from the results.

4. Briefly explain each idea in two to three sentences in a slide deck of five to 10 slides. Therefore, each of the five main ideas would have its own slide, with a brief explanation following in a separate slide. You can use PowerPoint or Google Slides.

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