Military Intervention to Reduce Soldier Fatalities

For this project, you should work with a group of 3 to 4 students to propose solutions to the problem introduced. You are being presented with a data set related to a specific problem you will: analyze the data, recommend a specific course of action, and use appropriate statistics or graphical techniques to support your decision. (Note: This data is from a historical military data set. For this reason, the causes of fatality may appear obsolete, do not worry about that. While it is likely you will need to do a bit of Google searching (using credible sources,) to understand the fatality causes and remedies, you are not expected to research the particular military conflict, its battles, geography, or other details.)

Your country’s military has been involved as a peace-keeping force in a humanitarian effort to stop the genocide occurring in a neighboring country. However, many of your soldiers have died in this effort. Your government has recently approved the use of emergency funds to improve the situation, but only one initiative can be funded. Your government is asking you to determine the appropriate course of action to reduce the number of fatalities while still enabling the peace-keeping force to remain in place. Analyze the provided data regarding soldier fatalities in a one-month period and make a recommendation regarding what your government and military should do. Make sure that you have data to support your recommendation.


Cause of Fatality Code
Staph infection 1
Typhus 2
Cholera 3
Dysentery 4
Fragment wound 5
Burn wound 6
Gunshot wound 7
Exploding ordnance wound 8
Blood hemorrhage 9
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