What role did religion play in the cultural misunderstanding

1. What role did religion play in the cultural misunderstandings and colonial relations of Europeans and Native peoples in the New World? How did the religious worldviews of the Europeans and Indians differ?

2. How would you describe John Winthrop’s vision of a Puritan community, and how attainable do you think it was? What advice was he giving to his companions?

3. What did the Puritans hope to achieve? What was the goal of their religious and political community? Why did they consider conformity so necessary for their cohesion?

4. What links do you see between Anne Hutchinson’s 17th-century understanding that “God is speaking to each of us,” and George Whi
1. What role did religion play in the cultural misunderstandings and colonial relations of Europeans and Native peoples in the New World? How did the religious worldviews of the Europeans and Indians differ?

2. How would you describe John Winthrop’s vision of a Puritan community, and how attainable do you think it was? What advice was he giving to his companions?

3. What did the Puritans hope to achieve? What was the goal of their religious and political community? Why did they consider conformity so necessary for their cohesion?

4. What links do you see between Anne Hutchinson’s 17th-century understanding that “God is speaking to each of us,” and George Whitefield’s understanding of “inward change”?

5. What were the basic differences between George Whitefield and Charles Chauncy? Where did each of them think religious authority resides, and who decides?

6. What did religious choice and freedom have to do with political choice and freedom in American history? How did personal religious experience of the revivals and Great Awakenings of the 18th century influence the American Revolution?tefield’s understanding of “inward change”?

5. What were the basic differences between George Whitefield and Charles Chauncy? Where did each of them think religious authority resides, and who decides?

6. What did religious choice and freedom have to do with political choice and freedom in American history? How did personal religious experience of the revivals and Great Awakenings of the 18th century influence the American Revolution?

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